Guere, God of War

What god looks like
Guere appears to most humans as a giant man, around 7 feet tall, aparently very strong. He is usually clad in a menacing black helm, with odd insignias carved of gold on it. He wears a crimson cape, as red as the blood he so loves. His whole body is heavily armored in the same style as his helm. He has a pull chestplate, greaves, boots, gauntlets, the whole 9 yards. Two large Greatswords rest in sheathes at his side, and are sometimes drawn.

Guere may also appear in many disguises. He understands the nature of information gathering and spying as they are tactical and important to war. Therefore he will not hesitate to take other forms that are completely unrecognizable and that no one would typically consider for the God of War. Sometimes he'll appear in the form of a frail old woman, just to throw people off. Or as a crippled vagrant, or a prostitute, or as a priest of another God altogether.

What god likes and dislikes
Guere loves war. He will do almost anything to see a good battle. He enjoys all out gore, but also tactics. Without tactics, the war will be short lived. Sometimes his angels act as tacticians to one side or the other, or both, just for him to see a slaughter. He abhores retreat in battle, unless it will prolong a war. Cowardly retreat will make him dislike one side.

Guere does love battle, but there are specific things about battle he likes. He loves to see the weak become the strong. He loves to see justice done and the right side prevail. He loves to see honor on the battlefield. He loves to see the strength of the human spirit prevail even in the darkest of times and under the greatest of tests. But it is not only in war that Guere likes to see this, he enjoys struggle of any kind. And he enjoys winning and embodies the art of winning.

Guere loves to see those who struggle under a heavy burden prevail, whether it is in war or in daily life. Guere smiles upon those who do not give in or give up, but rather keep going despite the trials and burdens inflicted upon them. Guere smiles upon those who bear a burden or suffer pain in his name - which he regards as honor and justice. Therefore when someone personally suffers for honor or personally suffers to ensure that justice is done, it attracts Guere's attention.

Geuere despises fear and despair. Geure frowns on those who give up or wallow in their own defeat. Geure understands defeat as a challenge and he will smile upon those who know defeat and rise again, but he will ignore the defeated who accept their defeat and he will turn his back on those who accept despair.

How god prefers to be worshiped
Guere loves to see battle. He likes his sacrafices done by taking two prisoners (preferably of war, if not, criminals will do) and having them fight eachother to the death in an arena. He also likes pitting animals against eachother. He loves carnage.

Guere does like to see battles and struggles, but only of an honorable kind. Guere would probably watch a battle between two prisoners and smile upon those that accept this as a struggle in their life, but it is not how he would prefer to be worshiped in his church. He enjoys carnage only as it shows the valor and strength of those who are subjected to it.

Followers of Guere give their pain to their God when the wish to pray to him by running some portion of their body (usually a finger tip) down the blade that stands upright in the main sanctuary of the temple. Blood from this worship pools at the bottom of the blade in a bowl there and is burned at the end of each day by the priests and acolytes in a ceremony.

Guere has been known to test mortals with a struggle or a trial. This is never beyond their capability to defeat. Those that accept the struggle and win always gain something from it, and those that fail and give up always lose something from it.

How god rewards followers
Guere rewards his followers by giving them good luck in war. If he is behind their army, there is little chance that they will lose the war.

Guere rewards his followers by good fortune, and for this reason he is also known to many as the God of fortune. Those who find strength in Guere and pass through his trials are often rewarded by wealth and prestiege and power.

How god punishes followers
If his followers are infidelous, he will give them a large military losing streak. If this is a time of peace, he will often spark a war to have them defeated.

Guere is more about struggle and honor than merely war. War is simply the greatest struggle, but Guere is interested in all kinds of trials and tribulations simply because he wishes to see his mortal allies become as strong as they might possibly be. He smiles on those who reach their greatest potential and frowns on those who do not even make the attempt.

For those who follow Guere but fail to try the hardest to overcome their personal trials and tribulations, Guere does nothing but simply allows them to fail. If, Guere is betrayed in some way by a follower who shows cowardice and disshonorable conduct, then he will visit even greater trials upon that follower.

How god punishes athiests
Guere doesn't really care about atheists, unless they are in battle. In that case, he usually treats them like any enemy soldier and kills them with a cowardly death.

If a person who does not believe in the Gods angers Guere by using his own power to attack or destroy the followers fo Guere or Guere's property, then Guere will visit misfortune upon them in the form of a trial or tribulation. If Guere is particularly angry, he may send a plague upon them in the form of a disease or an enemy of great might to oppose them.

How god punishes followers of other gods
He also doesn't care about other gods. He is too enraptured in mortal warfare to notice them. If their followers should war against him, then he would send his military temple legions after them to crush them.

If Guere is angered by the follower of another God, he will visit trials upon them as well. But the depth of his anger will be tempered if the actions that person has performed were done through honorable intent. If the person has acted dishonorably, then Guere may send an angel to confer with the God of the person who had evoked his wraith. And if the matter is not suitably rectified then Guere will take action of his own by using the opponent as a test for some of his own followers.

What actions might prompt god to interfere in mortal affairs
Guere is involved in any sort of mortal combat, warfare, or hate. He loves to disguise himself as a strong warrior and start a war.

Guere will only personally interfere with mortal affairs when a juncture between possible futures appears that may lead into future pathways that Guere does not prefer. In normal mortal affairs, Guere's Angels of War typically administer to his testing of mortals and their trials and tribulations.

Guere will personally observe only the greatest battles and the greatest struggles of mortal men and women. He will not participate in these battles himself as he knows this would be unfair - there is no mortal who could stand against him. But he will lend his strength and his fortune if the need is great and the outcome of the war or struggle is important to him.

How god's temple operates
The temple operates like a large chain of command. The high priests are very organized and give orders to the paladins and other priests. The priests give orders to the acolytes and the paladins to the templar. The temple is run with the utmost efficiency, as a military base is.

In addition, the followers of Guere study tactics, and practice combat. Even the lowliest of acolytes of Guere are trained in combat techniques. But the study of tactics does not pertain only to war. The followers fo Guere also study how to influence people, how to win in business, how to overcome environmental problems, how to develop new weapons and devices. In many respects the followers of Guere are creative and inventive in their ways of overcoming opposition and trials. They enjoy puzzles and problems, and consider anything that is an obstacle to them to be a challenge. Their philosophy is one of winning under honorable circumstances, and of looking at defeat as merely another obstacle to overcome. Only those who give up in a struggle, or those who fight without honor are considered truly weak and unworthy of Guere.

The origins of god
You need a god for war, don't you? Well, I'm stumped here.

Guere is known by many names and understood somewhat differently in many places. Some think of Guere as merely the God of War. Others percieve Guere as the God of Fortune. And others see Guere as the God of Honor.

But as for his origins, Guere has the same origins as the other Gods, and those origins are shrouded in mystery. Many different cultures have explained the origins of the Gods differently, and no one knows who is truly correct.

How to contact or petition god
Guere pays attention to any sort of mass slaughter. He is in support of the inquisition for the mage killings, and loves a good fight. To spark his interest, just kill a lot of people

Amongst the Gods, Guere and his followers are the least likely supporters of the Inquisition. They have opposed various actions of the Inquisition in the past because they feel the use of magic is not always dishonorable. They consider magic to be a weapon that can be used by either side, and to remove that weapon from among their followers while their enemy still uses it seems foolish to them. They believe the Inquisition weakens mortal kind and leaves them less able to protect themselves from the forces of Hell.

To contact or petition Guere, most come directly to the temple of Guere and pray to him there. They will speak with the BattleMasters - the priests of Guere - and the JaffeyKu - the priests of the Struggle. And these priest will then petition Guere on their behalf. Guere also appreciates sacrifice and to gain his attention those who wish to petition Guere may give something that is of value to them to the Temple of Guere. This may be money or livestock or valuables or even artwork. It is anything that is of value that will be a sacrifice. The lesser the sacrifice, the less it will influence Guere.

The tempermant of god
Guere is often impatient, and doesn't work well with others. He will wish for carnage so much that is interferes with everything else in his life. He is also very stubborn, and won't listen to a peaceful solution to battle.

Guere can be impatient at times, but at other times he is very patient. It depends on the circumstances. When it comes to winning, Guere will do whatever it takes so long as it is honorable. Even cheating to win can be honorable under some circumstances, and Guere understands this well, even though others may not. Therefore Guere judges honor by his own accords and looks deeply into the souls of those who struggle to see what their true motives are and what their true beliefs are.

Guere can know anger when he is slighted, and when Guere knows anger the Angels of Guere are mobilized to seek out that which has displeasured their master. Woe be it upon that which has truly aroused the wraith of the God of War, for legions of destruction shall be uleashed upon them and plagues and misfortune shall befall them.

The chaos/law aspect of god
He is generally chaotic, as chaos generates combat. He does follow military laws though, and despises "cowardly" sneak attacks.

Guere is actually a fairly lawful God in his operation. He follows a strict code of honor and only deviates from it if the outcome is one that requires a departure from honor in order to achieve. And only when opposing the forces of Hell does this usually ever occur. When dealing with mortals Guere is very lawful and predictable. His punishment is always measured against the crime, and his blessings are always commesurate with the achievement.

The good/neutral/evil aspects of god
He is neutral/evil. He loves killing, sometimes a bit too much, but is not truely evil. He's not like Hu, and won't just send legions out to kill for nothing.

Guere is often considered evil because of the way he values the struggle of life, but in actuality he holds the same philosophy of struggle as Foret, and works side by side with her to ensure that the strongest survive and prosper. Foret is more likely to take pity on the weak, however, which Guere will never do unless the weak struggle and learn to help themselves. Guere will, however, give strength to the weak if he sees that they have the potential and will to become strong. But for those who give up and know despair, Guere gives nothing.

Guere is all about strength and honor. In the survival of the fittest, Guere is always on the side of the strong. In the survival of the honorable vs. the dishonorable, Guere is always on the side of the honorable. Death is a means to an end for Guere, and while he does not relish it any more than the next, he never hesistates to let it come. He does not even think upon it or care about it. That is for Matrim to consider.

Guere despises Hu and Hell for its lack of honor and its cowardice. He knows that Hell will cheat and steal and perform whatever acts necessary to achieve its ends. It is an enemy without any of the restrictions of mortal enemies or other Gods, and for this reason Guere sometimes suspends the rule of honor in regards to Hu. He will always fight honorably when it is possible, but when the enemy fights dirty, Guere knows that sometimes you must also fight dirty. And in the end it is winning against an evil that would destroy you that is more important than holding all honor and losing and being destroyed. But in all cases, there will always be a return to honor once the dishonorable and vile forces of Hell have retreated.


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